A generation ago, “outdoor living” was a wooden picnic table and a hibachi barbecue, with maybe a vinyl lounge chair or two for the grown-ups. “Fancy” was a table with an umbrella.

For entertainment, we watched the sprinkler water the lawn, or the kids would jump into the above-ground pools. How things have changed!

Outdoor-leisure living now rivals the finest interiors – you’ll find roof additions, comfortable and fashionable furniture, outdoor kitchens, fireplaces, and more. The outdoor living environment truly has become an extension of the home.

How you choose to relax in your outdoor living space is up to you. Whether you’re kicking back with a cold drink while you watch your favorite sports team on an outdoor television or you’re sneaking in some “me time” with a relaxing book, we all need our sanctuaries.

An outdoor living space gives us a chance to restore and reset. But did you know spending all that time outside is also good for your health?

Spending time outside is good for both your physical and mental health. Here are 6 benefits of spending time outside in your outdoor living space this spring:

1. More Energy

90% of people say they have more energy after spending time outside. Many studies have found that being outdoors increases energy and vitality.

It’s been shown that spending just 20 minutes outside will give you the same amount of extra energy as a cup of coffee!

The reasons for this effect are numerous. We feel more present when we connect with nature, the sun helps to wake up our bodies, fresh air is good for us, and when we’re outside, we’re more likely to be moving!

2. Improved Mood

Those 20 minutes you spend outside won’t just make you more energetic — they can also make you happier!

The International Journal of Environmental Health Research studied a group of 100 people who spent just a half hour each in a park. Afterwards, 60% of those people reported having a happier mindset and a better sense of well-being.

3. Stronger Immune System

The more time you spend outside, the more phytoncides you get. That’s a big word for chemicals in the air that come from plants. And these chemicals are great for your health.

Phytoncides help your body make more white blood cells, which are essential in battling infections and disease. More white blood cells equal a stronger immune system!

Another way your immune system benefits from time outside is from the vitamin D you get, which brings us to our next point.

4. More Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an important nutrient for your body, and guess where it comes from? the sun! Well, technically, sunlight is what allows your bought to make vitamin D.

Why does vitamin D matter?

  • It makes your bones stronger and fights off osteoporosis
  • It boosts your immune system
  • It strengthens the health of your blood cells
  • It helps your body process more minerals like calcium and phosphorous from your diet

5. Restored Focus

Being outside reduces anxiety and calms us, which can also help improve our short-term memory. This is directly tied to our ability to focus better on work, creative projects, or our family.

One study at the University of Michigan found that people who spend just a short amount of time in nature see a 20% improvement in their short-term memory!

6. Better Vision

When you spend time outside, your eyes are exposed to more ultraviolet B rays, also known as UVB rays. Studies have found that the more exposure you get to these rays, the less likely you are to develop nearsightedness.

This has been found to be especially helpful in the developing eyes of children, so be sure your kids get in plenty of playtime outdoors!

7. A Good Night’s Sleep

Spending time outside helps reset your circadian rhythm, which helps you go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. When you go outside, your circadian rhythm more closely with the sun.

That’s the way our bodies are designed to work — going to be earlier and waking up with the sun.

When we do that, we get a better night’s sleep. A study published in Preventative Medicine found that the effect is especially prominent in people over the age of 65.

The health benefits of quality sleep are well known and include:

  • Better heart health
  • Reduced risk of cancer
  • Less stress
  • Decreased inflammation
  • Improved memory
  • Minimized risk of depression
  • Easier weight regulation

Who knew that relaxing outside could be so good for you? So get out there and get your daily dose!

Doctors and scientists say that people need more time outdoors and in nature. And at least we don’t have to sit on those sticky vinyl lounge chairs anymore, right?

Go outside and enjoy – and don’t forget your sunscreen!

Find Your Passion for Colorado Outdoor Living

A beautiful outdoor living space will make you want to spend more time outdoors, and will help you reap all the health benefits of being outside.

Unfortunately, not all home designers see a deck and patio in the same way. Builders and architects usually see these additions as a necessary extension of the house (if they give any thought to it at all).

Typically in the past the main function of a deck was as a way to get out of the house with a little space for a grill and table. Mostly square and very generic, this is what we currently refer to as a “builder deck.”

At DeckTec, we view a custom deck as more a part of the overall outdoor living environment, or at least a transitional space that blends the home into the outdoors. Why anyone would settle for just a deck, when they could create an outdoor living environment?

But it’s not just about bringing the comforts of the indoors outside, it’s about carefully integrating the outdoor living area with the surroundings so it all just flows together seamlessly.

Ideally, you would like to create a resort-like leisure retreat in your own backyard. With today’s hectic pace and high stress levels, who wouldn’t benefit from a comfortable, soothing place to relax and entertain?

DeckTec’s team of Colorado deck builders is committed to higher standards of design and function and passionate about creating a place that is the most lived-in and enjoyed space on your home.

Read our guide to the 6 keys to designing a functional and appealing custom deck »