Daylight Savings Time Ends

If you’ve been out late trick-or-treating, don’t worry. This is the weekend to re-energize from your Halloween parties, and enjoy a little extra snooze. Daylight savings officially ends at 2:00 Sunday morning (November 2, 2014), so you’ll want to reset your clocks to an hour earlier Saturday before falling back into bed. An hour extra sleep is yours.

And for your trivia file, did you know Daylight Savings (DST) was first observed in the United States as part of the World War I? Yes, although designed in concept by Ben Franklin, it was first implemented during the war as an effort to reduce energy use by making better use of summer’s longer daylight hours. DST was dropped after that war, but reinstated by President Franklin Roosevelt in World War II, where it became known as “War Time.”

Generally speaking, Daylight Savings Time begins on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November. This schedule has been in place since 2007 following the Energy Policy Act of 2005.

Time to Pack Up For The Season

With the extra energy of a good night’s sleep, this might be the weekend to pack up your summer fun and cover your grills. While Colorado has been enjoying an unusually long summer this year, the cold weather will be rolling in soon. Here are some tasks you might want to address:

  • Cover summer furniture with canvas. This will extend the life of your furniture and make it easier to prepare for the season next spring. Coverings are available at most local hardware stores and are inexpensive.
  • Keep your bird feeders filled. Even though many of the wild species in Colorado migrate this time of year, hummingbirds and others will appreciate a quick stop out your back door—and will remember you when they return. Feeders can be brought inside more toward the end of this month.
  • Wrap large flowerpots. If you go to the trouble of wrapping large pots in bubble wrap and pull them close to the house, you can protect the perennials or small shrubs inside and enjoy them next spring instead of having to buy more and replant those pots.
  • Clean and clear debris from your deck. While the redwood we use is tolerant of a lot of harsh weather, when you clean up dried leaves and yard debris, you discourage insects and other pests from trying to make your deck their home. Often a good sweep is all you need, but if your deck is stained under the yard refuse, we have a solution . . .

Now Is a Great Time to Maintain Your Deck

When cleaning is not getting rid of stains on your deck, keep in mind it’s not too late to have a professional maintenance done for you. DeckTec stays open all year because we know how important it is to maintain the investment you made in your outdoor living places. Our crews can power wash, re-stain, or paint your surfaces for extra protection from the elements and added beauty to your home all year.

Hurry! Specials End Soon

We know that many people are unaware that fall maintenance of your wood surfaces is a best practice for your home. That’s why we’re offering a Service Special to help you out. Set an appointment for your deck maintenance in the month of November and we’ll give you a 10% discount on your job. But hurry, this special ends November 29th. Call us today, and we’ll help you keep your deck in great shape for years to come: 303.277.1550.

(Photo by Heidi)