Are you ready for those steaks, hot dogs or other grill adventures? You may be, but how about your grill? Here are some annual cleaning tips we hope will help you enjoy your summer cooking faster:

  • Before starting the spring clean of your grill, be sure to lay a drop cloth down. It will save you a lot of messy clean up.
  • Turn off and disconnect any gas lines or propane hook-ups for safety while cleaning.
  • Be sure to inspect your cooking grates. Over time they can become rusty or worn to the point of ruining the taste and safety of the food you cook. Most grates can be replaced at your local hardware store.
  • Heat your grill before trying to scrape or clean it. This will loosen debris and make it easier for you to clean. Use dishwasher detergent to clean removable parts of your grill.
  • Always keep your manufacturer’s instruction manual nearby for help with part names and appropriate re-installation instructions.

And if you’d like to have a built-in grill, the team at DeckTec can make it happen for you. After all, Father’s Day and summer grilling are a great match. Call us today: 303.277.1550.