Container Tomatoes

Imagine picking a ripe, juicy tomato right on your deck! All you need are some starts, and pots of various sizes. You can extend the season by covering plants, or taking them in overnight, as the weather cools. Pick a spot with good sun, but don’t overdo – tomatoes can wilt or burn under the hot Colorado sun. Test out and adjust locations as needed. Grouping pots together provides some shade and wind protection. Tomatoes need plenty of water and good drainage. Soil should be evenly damp to the touch, not dry, hard, or soggy. Transplant tomatoes in a timely[...]

Beer Myths

Thousands of years of brewing science still has not put some classic beer myths to rest. Let’s debunk them once and for all! Myth #1: All Dark Beer is Heavy Don’t be afraid of the dark! While a beer’s color can offer clues about flavor, color has little to do with “mouthfeel” – the way a beer’s weight and texture feel, literally, in the mouth. To understand mouthfeel, consider how skim milk feels and weighs on your palate compared to whole milk. While it’s commonly believed that dark beers feel thick, more like whole milk, this is a myth. Why[...]

By |June 19th, 2017|Categories: Blog, Colorado Life, DeckTec News & Updates, Life On Deck|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Responding to Hail Damage

According to DeckTec repair and restoration specialist Vince Stover, it’s only when you file a claim that you find out how good your insurance company actually is – this is when the rubber hits the road. Contact your agent with questions about your coverage before the next storm hits, and be sure to patch any policy holes. What you want as a DeckTec homeowner is to have your investment fully restored to its pre-storm condition. DeckTec does not use subcontractors. We create high-quality, unique custom decks, and our craftsmen are the only ones qualified to repair them. It’s your right[...]

Employee Profile: Lee Danielson

Even after 36 years in construction, Lee Danielson still finds satisfaction, day in and day out, as a project lead with DeckTec, where he’s worked for the past six years. “I enjoy going to work – just being able to build things and figure out new designs. You always run into little different things on different jobs. Some houses have settled, and are out of square. You have to work with that,” Danielson said. “Sometimes the plans don’t work, and you have to figure out something else. Sometimes I like a good challenge,” he said. As a project lead, Danielson[...]

By |June 5th, 2017|Categories: Blog, DeckTec News & Updates, Employee Feature|Tags: , |0 Comments

Deck Worthy Beer Pairings

Sunset Classic Barbecued Ribs with a Quadrupel Beer Pairing: Quadrupel No fat, no flavor. Properly seasoned and grilled pork ribs satisfy some of our most primal urges, and nothing less than a bold beer pairing is called for. Wine lovers would likely reach for a brawny Zin or Barbera. The beer pairing you need for ribs is a quadrupel, the Belgian abbey brew that marries huge layers of rich, stonefruit flavor with peppery yeast strains without the astringent tannins of big red wines. Look for Apis IV from Elevation Beer Co in Poncha Springs, CO; Grilled Seafood and Chorizo[...]

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