Time to Spruce Up Your Deck
Now is a great time to take an early spring walk outside and see what needs to be done to keep your deck in great shape for the summer season. According to the North American Deck & Railing Association Consumer Safety Checklist, here are a few specific things to look for: Look at your wood - are there split, checked or rotted pieces of wood? They'll need to be replaced. Loose or corroded fasteners like screws and nails will need to be addressed. Railings and banisters need to be secure - try pushing on yours to make sure of this.[...]
Denver’s Home Show a Great Success
Spring has come to Denver in a blast of colors and excitement. The 52nd annual Colorado Home and Garden Show held from February 12 through February 20 was a great opportunity to see old friends and meet new ones, as approximately 55,000 people made their way through the 400,000 square feet of gardens, consumer displays and presentations for improving our lifestyles in and around the Denver metropolitan area. DeckTec was pleased to be a part of this great community outreach as we teamed up with the California Redwood Company to offer information and prizes to the hundreds of people who[...]
Haiti remains on our minds
One of the best parts of living in the United States is that we have enough to satisfy our own needs, and some left over to help others. Haiti's needs for construction materials have reached our DeckTec team and we were happy to help out. See our news video here: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gquA5SArrVM&w=640&h=385]
Outdoor Living Comes Inside…
Whether you're planning a small addition of pots and pans to your home this year, an expansive garden, or Outdoor Living area, the Colorado Home Show has everything you need under one roof! Watch how a local TV news station covers the subject, then come on down and see us at the Denver Convention Center this weekend. We look forward to seeing all our old friends & meeting new ones. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm3aT9AvwDk&w=640&h=385]