The Best Time of the Year

Those who lament the lack of four full seasons in Colorado must not have a deck. If they were like you, they’d know that Colorado actually has five seasons: winter, spring, summer, fall, and deck season. Guess what approaches? After a cold, snowy winter, historically wet spring, and brutally hot summer we’re now approaching the best time of the year in Colorado. Sure, fall in Colorado is stunning, but sandwiched between the heat and the first snowfall is a season officially sanctioned for Colorado’s outdoor living enthusiasts. When the air to deck wood ration become irresistible. When all of the[...]

By |August 23rd, 2021|Categories: Blog, Colorado Life, Deck Care & Repair, Life On Deck|0 Comments

Lumber— and Everything Else —Prices Soar

It seems like every day there is a news report on soaring prices. Lumber, in particular, has seen astronomical increases, by some estimates up 75% or even 250% in the past year. So, while commodity prices have eased in recent weeks, consumers may still see $89 pieces of plywood at Home Depot for a while. The reason? The pandemic invigorated all kinds of construction, including outdoor living. The demand has been unrelenting while supply chains have struggled to keep up. Are Lumber Prices Affecting DeckTec? Eh, sort of. With all of this talk of skyrocketing wood prices, some might wonder[...]

By |July 6th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Colorado Life, Deck Care & Repair|0 Comments

Level up Your Grill Game

With deck season, so too comes the advent of BBQ season. From steaks to vegetables, everything tastes better off a grill. Today, the options available to hit those internal temperatures are seemingly endless. And when your outdoor environment calls for entertaining discerning appetites, a single propane grill just doesn't cut it anymore. So with the 4th of July just around the corner, it's time to level up your grill game with these popular BBQ upgrades. Traeger (Various Models) The Pied Piper of wood pellet grill technologies, Traeger has been making grill for 30 years. Wood pellet-fired grills don't seem cutting[...]

By |June 25th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Colorado Life, Outdoor Living|0 Comments

Summer Deck To-Dos

After a winter with a few banger storms and the wettest spring since the 1940s, we have finally arrived in summer, AKA the start of deck season! We know you’ve got plenty of BBQs and happy hours planned, but don’t forget to use your deck to the fullest. Use this handy deck to-do list to live your best deck life this summer. Gardening Gardening is a great activity to enjoy both on and off your deck. Potted plants add beauty and depth to your outdoor environment and blend your home with nature even more. Container gardening allows for portability and[...]

By |June 23rd, 2021|Categories: Blog, Colorado Life, Gardening, Outdoor Living|0 Comments

The Economic Value of Outdoor Living in 2020

We’re not economists. That said, we can all agree that having a backyard escape was in high demand this year. It doesn’t take an economist to see the law of supply and demand; time spent at home increased exponentially, and places to recreate, relax, and recharge became scarce. There is no doubt having a DeckTec outdoor living space was a valuable asset for those who had invested in it. Let’s consider the ways outdoor living has gained value this year. Sound Investing As a homeowner trying to identify the best areas to invest your home improvement budget can be a[...]

By |December 3rd, 2020|Categories: DeckTec News & Updates, Outdoor Living|0 Comments
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