Wine Pairings for Whatever BBQ You’re Making

Not sure what wine to pair with your next barbecue? Don't worry, DeckTec has got you covered with wine pairings for whatever barbecue you have planned. Spare Ribs & Mourvedré Spareribs and Mourvedré are practically soul mates. They have so much in common, and the differences they do have only complement each other. Both are meaty yet tender powerhouses that love a good dose of spice. Take into consideration that well-sauced spareribs bring out Mourvedré’s floral and plummy fruit notes and that spareribs’ richness is absorbed by Mourvedré’s heavy tannins and fresh acidity, and you couldn’t find a more perfect[...]

By |June 21st, 2016|Categories: BBQ, Colorado Life, Life On Deck, Outdoor Recipes|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Why Does Beer Go So Well with BBQ?

It’s that time of year: Coloradans from Durango to Sterling are saying “good riddance” to the season’s last snows and heading outside to fire up their grills. No doubt we’ll be washing down all of that grilled goodness with a few of Colorado’s favorite craft-brewed beers. But why does beer go so well with barbecue? The truth is that beer is a great complement to all types of foods, but the caramelization of meats that happens on the grill is particularly suited to be complemented by the toasty, roasty, and smoky flavors of beer. In fact, the chemical process, known[...]

By |April 28th, 2016|Categories: BBQ, Blog, Life On Deck, Outdoor Living, Outdoor Recipes|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Barbeque and a Blast

As the summer season starts to wind down, the team at DeckTec is proud to say that we've been responsible for building 65 new decks in the Denver metropolitan area this year. For those who are new clients, welcome to the DeckTec family. Meanwhile, whether yours is a new or well-used deck, isn't it time to celebrate with a barbeque on your deck? Gather friends and neighbors, colleagues or family and have a wonderful time together. We talked to some entertainment experts in the area to help you get started with these great tips: Invitations Looking for a way to[...]

Grimey Grill Clean Up

Are you ready for those steaks, hot dogs or other grill adventures? You may be, but how about your grill? Here are some annual cleaning tips we hope will help you enjoy your summer cooking faster: Before starting the spring clean of your grill, be sure to lay a drop cloth down. It will save you a lot of messy clean up. Turn off and disconnect any gas lines or propane hook-ups for safety while cleaning. Be sure to inspect your cooking grates. Over time they can become rusty or worn to the point of ruining the taste and safety[...]

By |April 4th, 2011|Categories: BBQ, Blog, DeckTec News & Updates, Life On Deck, Outdoor Living|Tags: , , |0 Comments
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