Colorado: Lucky Us

You may have noticed that the secret’s out – Colorado’s an amazing place to visit, and for an increasing number of people from all over the country, an ideal place to live. Who can blame these folks for appreciating what we Coloradans have been enjoying all these years? There’s the breathtaking scenery, a growing professional arts and music scene, and world-class culinary delights. Our state, and the metro area in particular, are on the short list of top destinations, and with this comes gains as well as some inevitable growing pains. Denver commerce is moving full steam ahead and shows[...]

Where Did Summer Go?

Wow, isn’t that what we always say at this time of year? As I get older, time seems to go by faster here in Colorado, where the weather and the seasons don’t often appear to be in sync. Labor Day is generally considered the milestone that defines the end of summer, even though the “official” end of summer is September 22, according to the calendar. I’ve lived in Colorado since grade school in the late 60’s, and I’ve noticed that the seasonal climate dial seems to have moved with winter pushing into spring, spring into summer, and summer into fall,[...]

Take a Peek At the Peak to Peak!

September brings relief from summer heat and a return of colorful autumn, with fall foliage along the Front Range typically turning between mid-September and early October. There’s no better time for a high-country drive or hike than on a comfortably cool September day as clear blue skies set off those golden aspens. We’re fortunate in the Denver area to have these beautiful but fleeting landscapes so accessible to us. So get out there soon, and catch a “peak” while you can! Keep in mind that trees generally “bloom” in a given location for about a week and can peak early[...]

Beat the Heat: Time to Get Shady!

There’s no contest – Mother Nature holds the trademark on the best backyard cooling system ever invented –a mature shade tree. But many of us on the Front Range, especially in new developments and out on the plains, may not have a backyard so well-endowed. So, what are some ways to keep friends and family cool during the dog days of summer? The good news is that you’ve got options, from the simplest to the most elaborate, for enjoying your DeckTec deck on even the sunniest, hottest days. Umbrellas These ubiquitous summer fixtures are either over-the-table or cantilevered –typically 8[...]

Playing It Safe in the Summer Heat

Summer in Colorado offers unparalleled outdoor fun in the sun. Who can resist walking, running or cycling on open space trails, or heading up to the gorgeous high country for a day or a week? But staying safe during the upcoming ‘dog days’ means taking extra care to stay cool – and knowing when to call it quits. Always keep your fitness level and health in mind – a 98-degree day is probably not the time to attempt your first fourteener. Set realistic goals, and be prepared to adjust them as needed. Your body needs time to adjust to the[...]

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