Spring Cleaning and Maintenance Time

  Welcome to springtime in the Rockies.  It won't be long before we'll be enjoying longer days and outdoor temperatures that entice us out back door to enjoy our yards and decks to the fullest. Crocuses will jump out of the soil with cheerful sparkles of purple and white and soon after, our neighborhoods will be a riot of color. But springtime is also the time for maintenance of our homes and yards.  And one of the best first maintenance projects of the season is to take a walk. A walk? Really?  Walking is a chore on the to-do list?[...]

Protect your deck for winter

IPE Deck in Littleton, CO It's not too late. Servicing your deck to clean and protect the wood against winter weather is the most important treatment you can do to extend the life of your deck. Heavy rains and brutal sun have been particularly rough on decks this year. However, it is winter weather that is the biggest threat to the life of your deck. Winter moisture sitting on the deck penetrates older raw wood and freezes causing small and normal cracks to expand. Skipping annual maintenance applications leads to more costly refinishing treatments to preserve the integrity[...]

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