How to Protect Your Deck from Planters

Planning for a summer staycation has led to increased interest in home gardening across the Front Range.  For homeowners looking for an easy way to use their green thumbs or spruce up their outdoor living spaces, container gardens and planters are an especially popular choice. But a word of warning: those planters can end up damaging your deck if you aren’t careful. If standing water collects underneath them, it could cause stains, promote mildew and mold growth, and even end up rotting the wood in your deck. […]

Deck to Table Dining

Our March issue offered helpful tips for designing an “on deck” container garden. Now we’re ready to “get growing!” If you’re up for the container gardening adventure, the rewards are great – imagine the joys of watching plants you’ve carefully tended grow into maturity. How wonderful is a dinner party with friends and family gathered round enjoying the “fruits” (and vegetables) of your labor from the deck where they were raised? There’s just no better way to impress your guests! Salad greens such as arugula, mustard, and mesculun, sassy, baby and braising mixes as well as lettuces grow quickly and[...]

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