Want to save money on your electric bill?

For some homeowners, a nice deck is all that’s needed to enjoy outdoor living at its finest. This summer, however, has proven to us that this type of homeowner is becoming less prevalent. Brutal sun and heat, combined with sporadic rain storms, are driving people indoors, and air conditioning bills skyward. Everyone is searching for a solution to these issues and we here at DeckTec know that the solution is a roof cover. How can a roof addition lower monthly heating bills? Popular Deck with Roof Cover To understand the answer, we must first break the problem down[...]

Real estate market stabilizes in Colorado

Front deck and landscaping in Golden, CO It sounds like the beginnings of good news for homeowners and prospective buyers in Colorado - the market is finally stabilizing. This means that now is a great time to take a look at your home and decide if you plan to stay put or if you'd like to get your home ready for sale.  Regardless of which you choose, the addition of a wood deck to your home yields the highest return on home improvement investments, according to the 2012 Cost vs. Value report.   If you'd rather stay in[...]

Grimey Grill Clean Up

Are you ready for those steaks, hot dogs or other grill adventures? You may be, but how about your grill? Here are some annual cleaning tips we hope will help you enjoy your summer cooking faster: Before starting the spring clean of your grill, be sure to lay a drop cloth down. It will save you a lot of messy clean up. Turn off and disconnect any gas lines or propane hook-ups for safety while cleaning. Be sure to inspect your cooking grates. Over time they can become rusty or worn to the point of ruining the taste and safety[...]

By |April 4th, 2011|Categories: BBQ, Blog, DeckTec News & Updates, Life On Deck, Outdoor Living|Tags: , , |0 Comments
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