Vehicle Winterization and Safer-Driving Tips

When it comes to winter driving, an ounce of prevention and preparation, as they say, is truly worth a pound of cure. It’s no fun getting stranded in below-zero temps or a blizzard, and the best way to handle a fender bender is to avoid one. Use this checklist now to keep you and your family safe on the road during this frigid season. Safer-Driving Tips for Winter Always give yourself extra time to get where you’re going. This is not the time to rush. Drive slowly and carefully and be extra aware of your surroundings. Safety really does come[...]

Winterizing Your Car

As temperatures drop, we might not think about how to stay safe during winter storms. Here are vehicle maintenance and driving tips for staying safe on the road whether you’re going 5 or 500 miles away. Car Winterization Checklist: • Check battery, tire inflation, tire tread, and windshield wipers. – This will ensure that you don’t get stuck in the cold or snow, or are unable to drive because you can’t see. • Install snow tires. – Snow tires are made specifically to help you get better traction in the snow, and will work better than all-season tires. • Check[...]

Shovelin’ A Winter Wonderland

How to Shovel Like a Pro In the U.S., some 100 people die shoveling snow every year. But that’s not a recent development. According to studies conducted at the U.S. Nationwide Children’s Hospital, there were over 1,600 cardiac-related snow shoveling fatalities from 1990 to 2006. When people shovel snow, the increase in heart rate and blood pressure, in conjunction with cold air that constricts arteries and blood supply, makes for ideal heart attack conditions. To keep you and your family safe this winter, consider some of these snow shoveling guidelines. For areas affected most heavily, a snow blower might be[...]

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