Wine Pairings for Whatever BBQ You’re Making

Not sure what wine to pair with your next barbecue? Don't worry, DeckTec has got you covered with wine pairings for whatever barbecue you have planned. Spare Ribs & Mourvedré Spareribs and Mourvedré are practically soul mates. They have so much in common, and the differences they do have only complement each other. Both are meaty yet tender powerhouses that love a good dose of spice. Take into consideration that well-sauced spareribs bring out Mourvedré’s floral and plummy fruit notes and that spareribs’ richness is absorbed by Mourvedré’s heavy tannins and fresh acidity, and you couldn’t find a more perfect[...]

By |June 21st, 2016|Categories: BBQ, Colorado Life, Life On Deck, Outdoor Recipes|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments
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